Without You

I never dared to entertain the thought of life without you,

Yet here I am living it,

We knew our days were numbered from the start,

But we never showed it

In those few weeks away from our real lives,

Away from the troubles of school and our families

And into a kind of trouble we could've never expected.

It's been 8 months, yet I still think of you,

Still look at the picture of me smiling next to you,

You always made me want to smile.

I still think of you when I see the stars,

Or a paper airplane soaring through the sky,

A reminder that you're not gone,

You can't be.

Because as long as I live you are here,

Living eternally in my heart as a memory of what could've been.

Because without you,

I am nothing but a tortured poet,

Searching for her lost muse,

Losing herself in the process.

So no,

You can't be gone,

You simply cannot be.

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