Those The Fast Pace Future Leaves Behind

Everything moves so fast now, the whirling advertisements, the people around me, my own thoughts even.

I feel my anxiety rising with every jogging step I take, weaving around people and objects, seeming to be placed exactly in my way. A place designed for convience seems to only be inconveniening me. I stumble through crowds on my unstable footing. I mutter out excuse mes and pardons though I find the politeness quite outdated. Covered in dust like the history books.Everything moves so fast now, everyone move on so fast now.

Feet gaining traction as I find a sliver of empty walkway I break into a faster pace. Every second seems faster like each time I’m not in the door is a second wasted. Plotting for all the reasons to not hire me. I speedily push through the double door walkway.

“I’m here! I’m here!” I exclaim sliding my back against the wall panting heavy heaves.

The secretary clicks her heel against the cool floor at a quick fidgeting pace. “Hmph. You’re late.” she says sticking her nose up while pointing to the first heavy door on her left.

Anxiously I clamber to feet hastily.

“Yeah.. uh sorry… I’ll be going…” I say launching myself towards the wide door.

The secretary lets out another “Hmph” as I briskly pushed the doorway with my body. A wide window frames the office the lushly sleek city revealing itself. Sterling silver offices and tourist welcoming hotels and viewing areas in a lush copper.

“Hello! Welcome! Like the view? Well I like it too.” A man begins, the sentence seemingly running away from his mouth at record speeds.

“Hi I’m Hame” I say offering my hand to the expectant man. Whose eyes are like a puppy ready to pounce on anything that moves.

“Sorry about my lateness, the crowds, with all the newness of everything people seem to be crammed in like sardines. No matter how high the high rises go it never seems enough space….” I continue, realizing my rambling I lose steam at the end of my sentence. Finishing in a sad huff pathetically grinning at the man.

“Mhm yeah yeah yeah.. let’s get to the interview. “ the man says hastily walking to his desk inviting me to sit at the steel bench across his broad but spotless desk.

“So, What brings you to work at Mayview? Hmm?” The man asks producing a board and writing utensil out of seemingly thin air. “Its not the flashiest, the brightest or with the great minds that the city seems to advertise like its most precious natural resource.” The man continues, the last part of his speech seemingly personal, as his eyebrows furrow and his speech slows.

“ I just really love helping people, making them their best, so they can go out and work and start a family and all that.” I exposit. A smile plastered on my face.

“That’s such a lovely thing to hear! Everyone else I’ve interviewed seems to be interested by money and money only.” The man gleefully replies. Nodding with a smile. “Ok so now since you’ve proven to be a uniquely positive and qualified candidate, why don’t I take you to the mess hall, give you a quick tour?” He asks beginning to rise up out of his chair.

Yes! Aceing the interview! “Yea sure thank you, thank you!” I say rising off the bench.

With a quick jogging pace he guides me to a larger, wider, thicker door. Which with a groan he pushes open. Revealing a decidedly less modern area. Stiff looking wallpaper decorates the long hallway. Shrieks can be heard with unsettling echos. I shiver slightly but adjust my posture, focused.

“Welcome to Mayview! A place to revive the lives of those who can’t quite seem to adjust to the track of progress, or just plain aren’t right in the head.” The man says smiling and proud. A decidedly smaller window to the city is seen through the small bay window. Showing the shining light and whirl of buildings and advertisements, climbing higher, vying for attention. A view to motivate the patients. The life they need to adjust to.

Quickly of course.

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