
The butterflies in my stomach are almost overwhelming.

It gives me the urge to act,

Do something.

But do what?

I’ve seen all your pictures online.


It sends my heart flying sky high.

I smile to myself as I write this.

You’ll never know how happy you’ve made me.

I’m just a viewer,

And you’re just the celebrity.

Thinking of you is comforting and lovely.

I wonder how often you’ve made it easier to sleep.

I forgot about you for a while,

But then your show was back on TV.

I picture drawing you endlessly.


I made you my profile picture.


I don’t care how many times I’ve gone through this before.

This feeing is fresh and I want to explore,

You’re so perfect.

I hope that one day I could really know you.

For now I’ll just look at you on a screen


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