
And before he knew it, it was time to go, to leave this love-worn house behind. It felt so _wrong, _to leave this house without the intention of coming back. He should be exited, no? Leaving something behind will always be painful, but the excitement of something new should propell one forward, and yet Lynes felt… _Empty? Sad? Not exactly, but then what? _He wasn’t sure.

A year ago, his exitement was obvious. He had even ventured to have a sense of pride in his oncoming adventure. But the months had flown by, and now, weeks before he was to set out, he found himself feeling different. There was a new taste in his mouth, a thought in the back of his mind that grew stronger as his time here ran out.

He had always been thinking of all that would be new to him in his new home. He would be alone at the beginning, so he would have to go out of his way to make some new friends, mabye even find himself a girl. It wouldn’t do to remain alone for too long. The land would also be beautiful. He had heard of a mountain creek a day’s ride from his new home. Mabye he would hunt there in the future, with his sons, the same way his father would take him and his brother to hunt deer and rabbits in the forest.

There it was again, that feeling. It felt odd. It was indeed sad, but there was something on the edge of regret in his heart, too. Like an unfulfilled wish. Remembering frond memories brought it on, and he hated it. Wouldn’t he be happier where he was going? Then why would he regret leaving?

More time passed, the grey of winter gave way to the colour of spring, though that feeling would not leave him.

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