fact or fancy

fact or fancy?

is this real or just a delusion my poor,

sick mind

has conjured up

fact or fancy?

is this beautiful dream simply a nightmare

in disguise, a porceline mask thrown over

its face

fact or fancy?

i am a horrible beast dressed in shiny silk,

while my eyes gleam with a wicked desire to rip you to pieces, but i hide it with a bit of mascara

you think you know me, you think we’re friends

we’re not

my smile is only paint that streches my lips up to my ears

fact or fancy?

no, oh, no

this is all fact

all my glamour, all my glitter

all the fanciness you’ve come to know and love,

well darling that’s all it is

a shiny costume on a not so shiny person with a not so shiny heart hidden in a not so shiny body

i will dance and twirl with you all night long,

but i am not playing your games

you’re playing mine

fact or fancy?

the truth of the matter is this:

my teeth will tear apart your neck before you

even get the chance to breathe the start of a new sentence

so good luck determining

which of my words are fact

or fancy

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