
The letter sat on the kitchen counter, its innocuous presence mocking me with the weight of its contents. I knew what it held, yet a part of me desperately wished to remain in ignorance, to shield myself from the harsh truths that lurked within those carefully penned words. With trembling hands, I reached out, my fingertips grazing the crisp edges of the paper as if it were a venomous serpent poised to strike. Dread coiled in the pit of my stomach, twisting and turning with each passing moment, as I hesitated, paralyzed by the fear of what lay beyond that thin veil of denial. But curiosity, that insatiable beast, gnawed at the edges of my resolve, urging me to uncover the secrets hidden within. With a resigned sigh, I succumbed to its relentless call, unfolding the letter with trembling hands, bracing myself for the bitter truths that awaited me within its ink-stained confines.

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